One of the items I agreed with Ethan Marcotte in our interview was the need for comapnies to include Web standards in their workflow. Over the past year, I’ve worked with some amazing people on a book that specifically addresses that need.
Adpating to Web Standards: CSS and Ajax for Big Sites features a stable of talented people to help Web agencies and large companies with their own Web teams learn how to incoporate Web standards into their workflow.
Published by New Riders in December 2007, the book is divided into two parts: the theory and the pratical case studies. The first part covers chapters by Rob Cherny and Kimberly Blessing on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Applications and Web Standards Worflow. The second part by Meryl K. Evans and Kevin Lawver covers Tori Amos’s official Web site and
Bonus Material
After you’ve rushed out and bought your copy, be sure to register your copy of this book at to download a bonus PDF containing an interview by Mark Trammell with Jimmy Byrum, a Web designer at To get the interview, go to this Web site and click the “Register this book” link. You’ll be prompted to log into your account (or create one if you don’t already have one). After logging in, you’ll be taken to the “Register a Product” page, where you should enter the book’s ISBN number (found on the back cover of the book or, perhaps, on an online bookseller’s Web site) in the field provided. Click Submit and you’ll be shown a list of all of your registered products; find the entry for “Adapting to Web Standards” and click the link “Access to protected content” link to be taken to the download page.
Can’t wait for the book to arrive. If it’s anything like your others, I’ll make it “required” reading for my design team.
The book is here, the book is here! I’m somebody now!!
Is this available as a PDF? If not, will it ever be?