Rachel’s Tips ‘n’ Tricks on Flexbox and CSS Grid

Rachel Andrew headshot

Rachel Andrews. One of 17 reasons to attend Responsive Web Design 2016. Save 20% at registration using discount code RWDCHRISTOPHER and hear Rachel’s deep dive into CSS layout tools flexbox and grids.

Rachel Andrew is web builder and lives in Bristol, England. She is one half of web development company edgeofmyseat.com, the company behind Perch CMS. Rachel has been working on the web since 1996 and writing about the web for almost as long. Her books include the bestselling CSS Anthology from Sitepoint and recent ventures into self-publishing have seen her write The Profitable Side Project Handbook, and CSS3 Layout Modules, 2nd edition. She is a regular columnist for A List Apart as well as other publications online and print. When not writing, Rachel often acts as a technical editor for other authors.