Adapting to Web Standards Book Contest

With copies of Adapting to Web Standards hitting the bookstores, I decided to follow Dan’s book giveaway contest and have another one of my own.

How to Enter

The idea is that three winners will be picked randomly from the list of comments to this very blog post. Please note that anonymous comments don’t count and only one comment per person.

How to Win

I’m going to generate a set of random numbers and match them to the comment number for this blog post. (Note that comment numbers are generated automatically and sequentially.)

If one of the generated random numbers equals the number of your comment, you win.

Comments need to be posted before 11:59am ET by Friday December 21st. After that, the comment thread will be closed and the drawing will commence.

The Prizes

Each winner gets the following a copy of Adapting to Web Standards.

After the numbers are picked, I will follow up with the winners directly to get a mailing address to send out the prizes.

Sounds good? Best of luck!

40 thoughts on “Adapting to Web Standards Book Contest

  1. Well that’s a clever use of a weblog commenting engine. 🙂 Probably lead to a lot of nosy comments but I enjoy a good software hack as much as the next person.

  2. I think the idea of giving away free books about web standard is simply brilliant. Without groundbreaking descions like this, we will never get people like my mother, or my aunt to adopt the new specifications. And then the W3C might cry.

  3. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book — I have high hopes for it. I’m hoping it will be the book I point clients and co-workers to when I need help explaining why and how we need to apply standards. Thanks!

  4. Since I’ve lost the ability to pester Kevin Lawver in person (stupid restraining order), and I can’t afford to follow him from conference to conference anymore, I *need* this book to get my fix!

  5. Looking forward to reading this book that willl help bolster arguments for applying web standards. Christopher, your comments on the CSS list are always helpful; I’m sure your book will be, too. Thanks for taking the time to write it!

  6. I want to win… Then I can share the infinite knowledge with my colleagues. (esp. page 222)

  7. Nice idea, but random numbers are so 2007. It’s almost 2008!
    How about letting me make up the numbers? 😉 

    Good luck to everyone.

  8. Looks like a great book — I’ll be grabbing it if I’m not one of the lucky few here 😉

  9. I’m currently developing data-intensive web applications. Since my code is all generated by the application, I’d like to see if I can apply principles in your book to my coding practice to produce cleaner end-result code for easier DOM manipulation.

  10. I hope you do a sequel to take care of all the little web sites in the world. and of course the medium ones.

  11. Excellent idea for a book, much needed. The problem I have with many of the AJAX-driven sites is response time, too many trips back to the server. This can be a big usability problem. Looking forward to reading your book.

  12. Hi Christopher,

    I love your other work and am definitely interested to use it in my day-to-day work for a large media company.


  13. Would love to see how the principles in the book apply to a site such as 🙂 Would love it even more to have the book on our book shelf. Seems as if the O’Reilly book on building scalable web sites is doing the most rounds! Time to knock it off its perch!

  14. Hi:

    Will attempt to read your book; would love to win a copy.


    This entry has WINNER******* written all over it.


  15. I didn’t read the entire page, but I think I got the gist of it. If I forward this page to 20 friends I get free chicken? Is that right? Sounds too good to be true!