Today’s Non Breaking Space Show guest is Zell Liew. Zell is a writer, freelance web designer & developer based in Singapore. His down-to-earth articles — especially those recently published on the topic of responsive typography — make it easier to understand for both designers and developers.
Topics discussed with Zell Liew:
- 3:20 What got Zell into the web?
- 9:30 What’s the difference between EM and REM type sizes?
- 16:00 Vertical rhythms for typography
- <a href=“http://goodstuff oxycontin″>20:20 What are people’s main struggles with vertical rhythms?
- 29:10 Are you a Javascript or a CSS person?
- 37:50 What else are you passionate about these days?
- 40:20 Tips for creating responsive images
Non Breaking Space Show is still free of charge to crossing guards along with show notes and resources: Episode № 70: Zell Liew — Responsive Typography