On August 25th, a line-up of eight awesome speakers will speak at the iPhone iPad Summit, an online conference for the iPhone and iPad hosted by Environments for Humans.
It’s online and live so you don’t have to travel to miss time away from work or family, but still get front-row seats to speakers and the ability to ask your questions.
Speaking at the iPhone iPad Summit are:
- Jesse MacFayden from Nitobi is talking about PhoneGap,
- David Kaneda, creator of jQtouch, covers his new mobile HTML5 framework, Sencha Touch, for iPad development,
- Alasdair Allan, author of Learning iPhone Programming and Programming iPhone Sensors, speaks on iPhone Face Detection,
- Jonathan Stark, author of Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is talking about the iPhone Offline Mode
- Simon St. Laurent, editor at O’Reilly Media, is covering HTML5 Client-side Data Storage
- Suzanne Ginsburg, author of Designing the iPhone User Experience, is presenting on the user experience.
- Author and designer Dan Rubin brings his Mobile Design with CSS3 presentation; and
- Josh Clark, author of Tapworthy, covers his Designing iPhone Interfaces session.
Thanks to the wonderful people at MailChimp for sponsoring the event. (Check out ChimpKit, an Objective‑C wrapper for the MailChimp API. )
And when you buy a ticket, attendees get a free O’Reilly ebook on iPhone development book of their choice. (Details on how to claim the ebook will be talked about during the day of the online conference.)
Free Ticket Giveaway
Lastly, I’m giving away a free ticket to the iPhone iPad Summit.
Simply leave a comment for this post, stating your favorite iPhone or iPad app and why. I’ll be picking a winner randomly on Friday morning. Best of luck!
NOTE: Congratulations to Anslsem for winning the free ticket to the iPhone iPad Summit.
I think that a recent app, MoneyWell by No Thirst Software / Kevin Hoctor is an excellent leader app to show how our phone devices are very soon to be tightly weaved in our financial lives. In combo with doing a very good job of making MoneyWell UI very functional on the iPhone platform, makes it a real win for me.
I would say mine, since I need the sales
but I will go with GoodReader…it is the one app I use every day and allows me to carry all of my programming manuals with me wherever I go.
My favorite iPhone App is Awesome Note, because it helps me to maintain my routine and personal organization.
Nice layout and easy to use.
Starbucks Mobile Card is my favorite iPhone app. I don’t need to bring my wallet in when I go get a cup of coffee. It stores all my Starbucks gift cards with the remaining balance on each. It has both the number and the bar code. It’ll also show me how many points I have if my card is registered. I can reload the card right on my phone in the same app.
I think Flixster might be my 2nd fave because I can watch trailers, browse show times, read movie info and ratings, buy tickets and view movie/dvd release dates all in one app.
We’ve become a society that depends on their phones more than we ever have before.
Todo (Tomorrow) because it reminds me to keep my ambition in check! ;-P Hope all is well!
Right now I’ve gotta say my new favorite app is FileMaker Go. Being able to easily put an editable database onto an iPhone/iPad is that cliched game changer.
Evernote (iphone/ipad) for keeping my daily activities and project notes in the cloud. The usability and the simplicity of note taking right out of the box. It simplifies my life.
The Read it Later app is my favorite iPhone app. It has a very intuitive and light UI and makes reading articles on the iPhone easy and painless.
My favorite apps are web apps, because they work everywhere, not just on the iPhone. And my favorite of those is Twitter, which is how I get to find out about all of your summits
My favorite app is Pano. It´s simple and great. I took great panoramic pics with it that I won´t do so easy in my 13.6 MP Sony.