The CSS Dev Conf is an annual gathering of the best and brightest minds in CSS, the design language of the web.
Continuing the tradition of holding the event in unique settings, this year’s CSS Dev Conf is situated in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado at beautiful The Stanley Hotel, which is part of the History Hotels of America.
The event is two days devoted to CSS and its super friends, including JavaScript, Sass, Compass, and more. Topics range from case studies, responsive web design techniques, infographics, automated testing, cutting edge CSS specs, to much, much more.
Featuring amazing speakers like Eric Meyer, Nicole Sullivan, Jonathan Snook, Estelle Weyl, Tab Atkins, the CSS Dev Conf speaker list is only just beginning to grow.
You could join the CSS Dev Conf speaker line up as the call for speakers is open right now.
Voting on speaker proposals is done through double-blind voting setup. It’s a popularity contest for great CSS content.
So, if you are someone who breathes CSS, I encourage you to submit a talk.
Or maybe you know someone who is CSS ninja?
Help spread the word and let them know about the CSS Dev Conf call for speakers.
Seems like Eric Meyer isn’t speaking anymore ?